As the Federal Reserve noted in the consumer research about private education loans, students and parents like to talk to someone before making the purchase decision:
"However, some are uneasy with the Internet being the only source and
want to speak with a live person due to the complexity and magnitude of
the financial commitment. They also find it more difficult to judge a
bank’s credibility online."
SLA wanted to assess the quality of information that students or their parents might receive from the call center operations of student lenders. We placed over 140 calls from June to September of this year to eight top lenders, including Wells Fargo, SunTrust, Sallie Mae, PNC, Chase, Discover, Citizens Bank and Citibank. Each of these lenders provide both federal student loans and private loans. Our caller requested general information about finding a student loan which helped us understand the degree to which lenders assess each caller's needs. As the call progressed the caller would then ask for details about federal and private loan programs which allowed us to determine the quality and depth of information provided.