Thanks to James for making me aware of this upcoming video chat on Tuesday, March 2nd:
WHAT: Live
Interactive Video Chat on College Affordability and the Student Aid and Fiscal
Responsibility Act (SAFRA)
WHO: YOU, Secretary
of Education Arne Duncan, and White House Domestic Policy Advisor Melody
WHEN: Tuesday, March
2 from 5:30 to 6:00 PM EST.
WHERE: On the White
House website HERE or Facebook HERE
Duncan and Melody will share information on the Student Aid and Fiscal
Responsibility Act and talk about how you can help in making higher education
affordable and accessible to everyone. The conversation will be moderated by
William Jawando from the White House Office of Public Engagement. At the end,
you will have the opportunity to ask Secretary Duncan and Melody questions
– so we hope you think of some good ones! (Note that this web chat is closed
press and for background purposes only.)