« Wells Fargo/Wachovia Not Committing to FFELP For 2010-11; Calling For Extension of ECASLA | Main | Senate Vote on Student Loan Reform Bill Could Come As Soon As Thursday »

March 24, 2010


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Curious Adam

How will employment at Sallie Mae owned collection agencies such as Arrow, Pioneer and GRC be affected? Mostly they rehab or AWG loans placed by Sallie Mae's guarantor, USAF. Will FFELP loans placed with collection agencies by guarantors still be able to use the AWG program after 6/30/10? Will they be able to use William D. Ford consolidations? Will guarantors still be paid a fee for rehabs? Yes, some student loan collection agency business is also direct lending, but more is FFELP, and I have not been able to find obvious answers to FFELP collection agency procedure post 6/30/10 just by reading SAFRA or the news.

Katie Dunneback

Who cares?

Sallie Mae was the biggest pig at the trough. Feeding time's over boys.

If they cut the fat off the top they probably wouldn't have to lay off thousands of people, just a dozen or so.


Katie, It's apparent to me that you never went to college and the comment you wrote actually says a lot about you. Adam, good questions but I don't think even sallie mae has the answers to them.

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