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December 22, 2009


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S Langer

How is a trend deduced from a single year of results- “schools are moving away en masse from developing preferred lender lists for private student loans.” What were the survey results in past years- what's the baseline of financial aid administrators that planned to build preferred lender lists?

Tim Ranzetta

Good question. In May of 2008, an SLA Flash Survey found that 61.8% of schools had a preferred lender list for private student loans: http://www.studentlendinganalytics.com/images/sla_press_release_may1908.pdf. So I guess I would say that a shift from 61.8% of schools having a preferred lender list to 15% would represent a significant trend. I will have a more complete analysis out next week and will be sure to provide that comparison. Thanks again for the question.


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