I've been reviewing the recent The Condition of Education report published by the National Center for Education Statistics. For anyone worried about our national competitiveness these results are downright frightening, particularly as it pertains to math and science education.
- In PIRLS 2006, the average U.S. 4th-graders' reading literacy score (540) was above the PIRLS scale average of 500, but below that of 4th-graders in 10 of the 45 participating countries, including 3 Canadian provinces (Russian Federation, Hong Kong, Alberta, British Columbia, Singapore, Luxembourg, Ontario, Hungary, Italy, and Sweden).
- Among the 28 countries that participated in both the 2001 and 2006 PIRLS assessments, the average reading literacy score increased in 8 countries and decreased in 6 countries. In the rest of these countries, including the United States, there was no measurable change in the average reading literacy score between 2001 and 2006. The number of these countries that outperformed the United States increased from 3 in 2001 to 7 in 2006.
- The 2007 TIMSS results showed that U.S. students' average
mathematics score was 529 for 4th-graders and 508 for 8th-graders. Both
scores were above the TIMSS scale average, which is set at 500 for
every administration of TIMSS at both grades, and both were higher than
the respective U.S. score in 1995.
- Fourth-graders in 8 of the 35 other countries that participated in 2007 (Hong Kong, Singapore, Chinese Taipei, Japan, Kazakhstan, Russian Federation, England, and Latvia) scored above their U.S. peers, on average; and 8th-graders in 5 of the 47 other countries that participated in 2007 (Chinese Taipei, Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong, and Japan) scored above their U.S. peers, on average.
- Among the 16 countries that participated in both the first TIMSS in 1995 and the most recent TIMSS in 2007, at grade 4, the average mathematics score increased in 8 countries, including in the United States, and decreased in 4 countries. Among the 20 countries that participated in both the 1995 and 2007 TIMSS at grade 8, the average mathematics score increased in 6 countries, including in the United States, and decreased in 10 countries.
- In PISA 2006, U.S. 15-year-old students' average mathematics
literacy score of 474 was lower than the OECD average of 498, and
placed U.S. 15-year-olds in the bottom quarter of participating OECD
nations, a relative position unchanged from 2003.
- Fifteen-year-old students in 23 of the 29 other participating OECD-member countries outperformed their U.S. peers. There was no measurable change in U.S. 15-year-olds' average mathematics literacy score between 2003 and 2006, in its relationship to the OECD average, or in its relative position to the countries whose scores increased or decreased.
- The 2007 TIMSS results showed that U.S. students' average science
score was 539 for 4th-graders and 520 for 8th-graders. Both scores were
above the TIMSS scale average, which is set at 500 for every
administration of TIMSS at both grades, but neither was measurably
different than the respective U.S. score in 1995.
- Fourth-graders in 4 of the 35 other countries that participated in 2007 (Singapore, Chinese Taipei, Hong Kong, and Japan) scored above their U.S. peers, on average; and 8th-graders in 9 of the 47 other countries that participated in 2007 (Singapore, Chinese Taipei, Japan, Korea, England, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovenia, and the Russian Federation) scored above their U.S. peers, on average.
- While there was no measurable change in the average score of U.S. 4th-graders or 8th-graders in science between 1995 and 2007, among the other 15 countries that participated in the 1995 and 2007 TIMSS at grade 4, the average science score increased in 7 countries and decreased in 5 countries; and among the other 18 countries that participated in both the 1995 and 2007 TIMSS at grade 8, the average science score increased in 5 countries and decreased in 3 countries.
- In PISA 2006, U.S. 15-year-old students' average science literacy score of 489 was lower than the OECD average of 500, and placed U.S. 15-year-olds in the bottom third of participating OECD nations. Fifteen-year-old students in 16 of the 29 other participating OECD-member countries outperformed their U.S. peers in terms of average scores.
What jumped out at me, which apparently is not old news, is that 15 year-olds in the U.S. are testing in the bottom quartile in math literacy among Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries and in the bottom 1/3 in terms of science literacy.
Ironic, isn't it that the USA Today has a story out today "Is America Scientifically Illiterate?" These test results would indicate at least relative to the rest of the developed world, we are lagging in this area.
Related articles:
- U.S. Secretary Arne Duncan Issues Statement
on Release of the U.S. Students' Rankings on International Assessments
of Student Achievement (Press Release)
- International Exams Yield Less-Than-Clear Lessons (Education Week)
- U.S. Students Middling on International Exams (Washington Examiner)
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